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Wake me up when September ends

What's more appropriate to play than this one today, one of my favourite songs. I used to loop it a lot during the last few months I was in HK, whenever I felt unbearable. I remember telling myself that perhaps by the end of September, things will be more cleared up, life will feel easier.

I guess it's kinda true. Today as I was travelling, I could sense that I have gradually adapted to this new environment, and learnt to live out a day despite feeling insecure and homesick.

It's kinda sad at the same time though, acknowledging that no matter how much I have gotten used to this new life, there's always this big part of emptiness within me whenever I look into my heart.

I can work hard at school, socialise with classmates, try to make close friends, be the cool Hannah who seems to be capable of nailing everything.

But at the end of the day, that huge part that was filled up by you. Your presence, your smile, your cheekiness, your warm hugs, your gentle touches, your Scottish accent, your love. Is still the only thing that I think of when loneliness comes knock on the door at night.

Gosh how am I not supposed to cry whenever I think/write about this?

Miss you. Goodnight.

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