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Wednesday 3️⃣


Very glad to have chatted with you, helped you a bit at the shoot, and got a few hugs today.

I want give you a more detailed explanation tomorrow to the question you asked today about why I am so certain. But meanwhile I want to thank you for saying sorry about your absence in the past one year during one of the hugs. It reminds me of these lines I kept in my notes a year ago:

Forgiveness frees the forgiver. The door is unlocked and you are no longer confined by the cage of bitterness you put yourself into. We freely forgive because we’ve been radically forgiven.

I genuinely meant it when I said I accept your apologies. One of the differences I feel when I meet you again this time after a year is that I know that I really have forgiven you for the past and I am ready to fully love you.

Here is today's outfit for you to remember:

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