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What faith means to me

I don’t think I have ever properly shared with anyone (not even my family) before about my true thoughts on religion / faith.

I think I briefly shared before that I see religion as something very personal. It’s an unique journey for everyone to decide on whether or not to believe in any form of religion. Some people just simply conclude that this is not something important in their lives, some look for scientific or historical evidence, some dig deep into philosophical questions, and some, like me, seek for the emotional connection.

As someone who grew up in a Christian family / community, I was being taught based on a lot of Christian values. I think those values have subconsciously become the guidelines of how I should approach life and what this God has to do with me.

Obviously I am not trying to ‘pitch’ Christianity to you here, but just examples of what I mean as ‘guidelines for life’: what faith is, why should we forgive, how to love one another, where hope truly lies in etc. I think the answers from Christianity to these questions become the foundation of how I see things in the world, which determines my behaviour and actions, that turn into people’s perception of my character.

This is why I would say this religion to me is something that is very very close to my heart (like you, but…even closer 😬), that it is basically ‘part of me’, and makes me who I am.

Of course it doesn’t mean that I never question this religion, because you can always choose to keep those values but not associate them with a God. I think that’s when the healing story of my injured ankle plays a part. That experience became the foundation for me to believe that there is a God, the God that I choose to believe in is real, and He has something to do with me.

So yeah I think in a very simple way, you may say that this faith to me is basically more of a ‘feeling’ thing mainly relying upon the spiritual connection.

Again, not ‘pitching’ my faith to you, even though I think my faith is the major reasons that makes me who I am (essentially how strong I can be), because as I always say, it is something that I see as very personal. But I do think that everyone needs faith. We all need some form of beliefs that we hold on to in our lives.

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