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Wherever you go 🗺️


Today I wake up started feeling very overwhelmed by the fact that I am flying in 2 days.

It seems like it doesn't really matter where I am flying from or to, I just get this same overwhelming feeling of scared, heartbroken, and stressed whenever I need to fly over a place alone. I spent a long time on bed to let myself feel how I feel instead of pushing it away and forcing myself to start another very busy day.

I still can't figure out exactly why I feel this way. It's more than just because I have to submit my dissertation and present when I go there. But in my messy head, I could clearly hear God saying to me,

'Remember that no matter where you go, far or near, I will always, always be with you. Wherever you are, my goodness will follow.

When you feel lonely on the flight, know that I am right there with you. When you feel out of control, know that I am still in control of all the things that you care.'

My current wallpaper:

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