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625 days of love letter

How are you, Andy?

I had a pretty tough day yesterday because work was busy and it's my first day period as well, I took 4 painkillers to survive through the day. So today I just allow myself to rest a little bit.

I actually still feel quite tired today but for some reason, I really wanted to write a "love letter" to you. But then I realised perhaps every post I have written here for the past 1.5 years is a love letter.

I would never call myself someone who is romantic, the most "romantic" thing I've ever done in my life probably is writing to someone I am not able to meet or speak to on a website almost everyday for 625 days. Maybe even that is not very romantic, it's simply love.

I love writing and singing and taking photos for you, I love making you feel loved even when I may not be able to feel the other way round. You are one of a kind to me, Andy. I am pretty sure I won't do the same for anyone else in this world. If anything, I just wish my mental state was better so that I could love you better and more perfectly.

I guess I just hope that you feel loved, and know that you can feel comfortable with me.

❤️ love you. Goodnight.

PS. Sorry I look very ugly today because of my period. So I only got an old photo for you today.


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