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I am writing to you in the airport as I wait to depart. Turns out my flight is still on schedule despite the T8.

I have been on the edge of emotional breakdown since the morning. I am flying out alone again this time (the other will arrive 1-2 days later after me). I was troubled by the typhoon, worrying that I can’t fly out or will end up being stuck in the airport. I decided to head to the airport a lot earlier at 7:30pm in the end. But my brother was so busy with his work when I left, I didn’t even get to say goodbye to him. I stood outside of his room for 5 minutes to wait cause he was on a call, and I even entered his room in the end but he didn’t notice.

I realised this might be the first time that no one is sending me off for a long haul flight. Perhaps with all the uncertainty of the typhoon, it just got me even more emotional.

The good thing though is that now that I am a silver CX member, I can eat and wait in the lounge for the 3 hours. I did a bit of work while I was there, and that makes me wonder if I have become the kind of people that I didn’t want to be when I was small - being such a “corporate” person who works while travelling.

It might be an unpopular opinion, but I just think I dislike travelling and especially the airport more and more as I grow up. Maybe I just have too many stories to carry with me each time.

miss you.


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