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My milestone drive

Hello dear, miss you a lot from the UK.

I achieved a “milestone” today, I completed my 3.5 hour drive down to Manchester from London, alone, after a night of sleep from a 14-hour flight, and I am safe!

Maybe it sounds easy for you, but I was actually quite nervous because I’ve never driven that far alone by myself before and I was so worried I would be really sleepy halfway because of my jetlag. But I made it in the end :)

I arrived Manchester at around 4:30pm. The jetlag started to hit me so badly around the same time, luckily I had arrived.

I am so glad that I overcome the fear and made it to the airbnb. My parents will arrive tomorrow and we will go to the new house.

Do you miss the UK? I miss you a lot whenever I am here and I often imagine your life here when you were small. Miss you dear.


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