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Been so good 🎵

Miss you, Andy dear.

Today is the start of my period, so I haven’t been feeling very well mentally and physically. I was ‘a little bit’ more emotionally sensitive than usual today, and I cried over a work situation that I usually wouldn’t. While I thought I was being so silly, I felt the need to remind myself not to be too hard on myself.

Our emotions are what make us unique and precious. Though they might be overwhelming and sometimes unreasonable, they do reflect part of ourselves, the part of us that is asking for a bit of extra attention. It is our responsibility to be attentive to that part of ourselves while not being controlled by them. That is what it means by self-care.

So that is why I have no photo today. But want to share with you this song that has been one of my favourite recently, I recorded it yesterday. It’s a song I learned from church called ‘been so good’.

In the chorus it says:

You have been so good to me

God, I can't believe how You love me

What a friend You have been


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