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D-1 Dundee

How are you, Andy?

Tomorrow is the day I will be visiting Dundee. I began to feel really really nervous this evening.

I never consider myself an adventurous person. This is probably one of the “craziest” things I’ve ever done in my life - going all the way north by myself to visit someone’s hometown when he’s not even there, all because I really love him and miss him, and not even telling anyone about it.

I got quite emotional tonight as I mentally prepared myself about this trip. I figured that my next 2 days in Dundee is never about sightseeing attractions or things to do or food to eat - it is to have a retreat in a place that is very significant to me, to think about myself, you, us, and what does God want to speak to me about recently.

I feel nervous because I know I will feel a lot, and coping with my inner self has always been the hardest part for me among everything. But I believe it is worth the “adventure”, and I look forward to sharing everything of the next two days with you.



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