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Day 2-3 in Paris

Jojo arrived at Paris with another colleague yesterday morning. She was so excited to have a lot of food, and she kept taking pictures of me.

Since the rest of her team has not arrived, we walked around Paris for abit. I got to say that perhaps because of the olympics, Paris has become a lot cleaner and safer than I remembered. But it’s also because of that, I feel like it lost a bit of that “magical, one of a kind” vibe that I used to feel here. It’s still nice but it almost feels like it’s just another big European cities now.

But when I saw the Eiffel Tower, I was so impressed once again. I suddenly remembered those “happy” time I had when I was 20 years old studying here.

Some more photos

Today, Howe and another member from IF arrived too. I wonder if it’s my insecurity that is somehow triggered when I have to stay too close with a group of people. I started to get that same “homesick” gut wrenching feeling again. It makes me feel quite mentally unwell. I worry it’ll get worse because starting from tomorrow, Disney and my boss from the UK will join the trip too.


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