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miss you, Andy. I hope you are doing okay.

I have been busy juggling between work and family in the last few days, plus managing my emotions. The reason is because I don’t have any ALs (as a contractor/freelancer) to take, so I still have to attend to work while I travel. Good thing is this gives me a lot of flexibility (I don’t have to work a fixed schedule even when in HK), the con is I have to be really disciplined about my schedule, so that I don’t overwork (because I am always busy) or work too little that I am not delivering.

At first I planned to push out work for this week so that I can spend more time with my family here. But something really important and urgent for Vincent came up, and I can’t really push it away. So I end up having to do really early morning meetings (8am) and work, spend time with family during the day, and work again in the evening till late night. I even had to do some work yesterday even it’s a Saturday.

The reason I am doing all these is because I also know my parents would really want me to spend more time with them. But it’s just I am starting to feel really really tired having to attend to many things while I am here.

Yesterday (Saturday), I went out to a park with them. It’s really nice when the sun is out.

I really like this photo that I took of my brother and his gf. Seeing them together here does make me miss you a lot more.

I guess as his sister, all I want is to see him happy. I am glad that he is happy with this girl.

I am only here till next Tuesday. Even though I am starting to want to go back to HK because it’s been a tiring time here for me mentally and physically, I do hope that I will seize my time here with my parents.

Miss you, love you.

Dinner my brother and I cooked for my parents last night


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