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“Family day”

Hello dear, how are you? It said on the news that the rain was quite bad in New Territories earlier today, I hope you were fine.

Today was “family day” for me. First, I went out with my brother for lunch. We used to do that more often before he had a girlfriend. Whenever I go out with him, it’s usually me listening to whatever he wants to share or vent, a lot of times it’s about our parents.

Today, he was complaining about my parents asking for a lot of help in the last few days at home. If it was the old me, I probably would have secretly criticised him in my heart. But as he vented about it, I realised his complaint actually came from the bitterness he has towards my parents that came from how he felt he was treated before. I could immediately relate to the feeling of bitterness because I experience that a lot too. That’s how I was able to put down my judgemental lens and empathise him instead.

I like having these conversations with my brother because I know they make him feel supported and cared. And today it’s actually him who suggested it because I’ll be away for 5 weeks and he said he’ll “miss” me.

After we got home, I spent the rest of the day packing my luggage and then helping my parents pack their stuff. It’s quite tiring to help them as they have a lot of stuff to bring (for 6 months). I guess this is a foretaste of how my days will be like when I’m in Manchester to help them settle.

Here is how I look today, very swollen eyes from a lot of crying yesterday, haha. Miss you.


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