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First thing I did after landing HK

Miss you my dear. I am writing to you from my HK home, after a long 12-hour flight. And guess what - I am sick again :( I felt like vomiting throughout the flight but luckily I didn’t.

But apart from being sick, I was very blessed to have a full row for myself on the flight, so at least I could lie down. I also saw a little rainbow at the start of the flight :) In the bible, rainbow signifies that God won’t forget his promises to his people. It feels even more special to me to see it on this flight back to HK.

So the first place I went to after I got home was the doctor. Look at my sick and tiring jetlag look:

I also am getting some sore throat and I am losing my voice. I am wondering maybe I actually have not fully recovered from the previous stomach flu I got two weeks ago. And I suspect this was what I got:

Hong Kong is so humid and warm, I also feel very overwhelmed by being in an environment with a lot of Chinese faces. I think I will need time to get used to this again.

Miss you much but I am very exhausted from being sick and the long haul flight. But just want to tell you that I will think of you as I sleep and in my dream.

Love you.


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