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From 36000 feet above

My dearest dear, how was your day?

I am writing to you on my flight. I got approval at work to purchase wifi on the flight so that I can spend some time to catch up on work. But with all the idle time on a long-haul flight, I just think about you so much, that’s why I decided to write to you.

I hope you had the chance to watch the video I shared in the last post. I thought maybe I could share why I put those clips in. The first part are clips I took last Sunday when I was in HK, the clips in the second part are actually from my trip to Malta back in Feb. 

I guess what I wanted to let you know was that whether I am home in HK living my mundane life, or I am traveling around the world seeing all these beautiful sceneries, I will always bring you with me in my heart. 

Just now when I was resting on my flight, I thought about those days I lived in the UK last year. I’ll never deny the pain and loneliness I felt deepest in my heart during those days. But at the same time as I look back, I think I am starting to understand “the other side” of those toughest days - how those tears turned out to be the most vulnerable way for me to unlearn and relearn about myself, how God gracefully used those moments to draw me closer to him.

I am sure you have gone through a lot of things in the last two years that I don’t know about, for some of those perhaps not even one person knows about. My hope is that one day you’ll be able to see that “other side” of what you went through too, even if it has been a lonely journey.

Love you from 36000 feet above, Andy dear.

PS: I think I brought HK’s weather to the UK, haha.


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