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Homesick (?)

I miss you.

I have been staying day and night with people at work for the past 3 days. It's not that they are not nice to me. It's just that it is very very extremely hard for me to pretend that I have that energy level (especially in a trade show).

When I was in Uber to the dinner place just now, I suddenly got this really uncomfortable feeling, that I suddenly felt like I am detached from my body and I was back to kindergarten and I desperately needed my domestic helper to make me feel safe. I don't know if this is how 'homesick' felt. But this feeling would suddenly overwhelm my heart whenever I have been with people that I am actually not that close to for a long time in a unfamiliar environment.

But I don't think it came from missing the 'physical' home or even my family. It's more of feeling emotionally and mentally 'safe'.

Miss you.


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