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I got a gift for you ✈️🎵

Today is the last day I am in HK. I will be flying out tomorrow at 1:30pm.

I could feel a lot of my anxiety about this trip the whole day today. I feel very nervous about my 4 hour drive to Manchester. I feel nervous about having to be away from this ‘comfortable’ home for 5 weeks. Then I started worrying about you too - wonder if you are doing okay.

I tried to hide these anxiety within me and not show it in front of my family. But God seems to know my anxiety, it so happens that the daily devotional or sharing accounts I follow talk about fear and anxiety in the last few days.

Today when I was doing last minute packing, I decided that I am going to bring my imaginary friend - the pinky dog 😊 with me on this trip. Even though she is huuuge and I’ll have to figure out how to carry her through my trip, I just really need her accompany, especially when I feel lonely at night or when I have to cry.

Here is a picture of her, she is a silly dog but she is my best friend. The blue “dress” she’s wearing is my pyjama when small, haha.

Miss you a lot, Andy.

Lastly, I got a gift for you before I go :)

Since I won’t have my guitar or mic with me on this trip, I probably will have less chance to sing. I recorded this song and made this video specially for you. It’s not a new song, but it’s only when I was picking a song to sing, I realise how relevant the lyrics of this song are to what I want to say to you.

Sorry that the video is not perfect because I did this in a rush (on Sunday) and I didn’t have much footage to use. But I hope you can still feel my heart in it.

So I’ll let the song and this video speak for me :)

love you and goodnight.


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