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Ikea and dinner

Hello dear, how are you? Missing you.

Today I accompanied my parents to Ikea to start planning and sourcing for our house in Manchester. They want to get my thoughts on every single thing and it's a bit draining for me. But I get to visit the bear again, I like it soo much (still like you more though, haha 🙈)

At dinner, my brother finally asked my parents if they want to meet Sammi (his new girlfriend). My parents of course wanted to meet her and they asked him a lot of questions about her. I felt a bit uncomfortable as they talked about her for the rest of the dinner.

I don't really know how to describe that feeling, I guess it is a kind of envy, that he has got someone but I don't.

I judge myself for being envy, but I don't really know how to deal with that side of myself yer. I actually detached myself from the conversation because I thought that way I would feel less about it. I was also a bit scared that my parents would turn to me and ask how about me, luckily they didn't.

I sometimes would fantasise about how I will introduce you to my parents. I think I'll tell them...

He is a very lovely guy. He is not the smartest, but he has a kind and gentle heart. He is a bit like Joshua (my brother), everyone has his own story but he's just extremely lovable. He's also a really cool videographer and sings very well, he is the most talented and creative person I've met. And last but not least, he's my favourite. 1000 out of 10 kind of favourite. 🙈


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