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Long dress outfit

Miss you, dear.

Today I have to go in the office for an important meeting with a potential business partner. Only the most senior people at Meyer were there, none from the Meyer Labs team. I only realised yesterday that I don't actually have any decent / semi formal outfit for summer, so I picked this dress in the end.

This kind of meeting always makes me feel so tiny inside. It makes me even more uncomfortable that Vincent always likes to wrap the meeting up by emphasising how great I am as the project manager for whatever the meeting is for, this time even with the outsiders. I guess that's why I subconsciously picked a long dress with high heels to make myself look "mature" for today, haha. And I remember you used to comment that you don't particularly like my long dresses.

Usually it is days like this that makes me miss you the most, because you used to be the only person at work that I was able to show the real Hannah who's just a little girl that likes to make the "mooo" sound. These days, I would just come back home and hug my imaginary friend (the pinky dog) and cry it out on bed secretly.

I guess that's been one of the things I feel the most challenging at work, the amount of mental strength I have to pull together against my self doubting + depressive nature.

You are probably the only person in this world who understands that side of me. Gotta sleep now as I have an 8am meeting with Vincent again tomorrow. Good night and miss you, my favourite company.


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