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How are you my dear? I miss you.

The past two days in Malta have been really pleasant. This is indeed a really nice place. My friend Jason took me up to the hill for sunset yesterday and it was beautiful. I think I mentioned him to you before that he was my childhood friend at church and he now has a boyfriend. He took a nice pic of me:

A bit more photos I took in other places I went alone:

For most people, it is probably just about feeling 'good' when they see these beautiful places. But for me, it is different.

When I left after admiring the sunset, I remembered how trapped I was in the darkness last year around this time. I was in a really dark place, desperately trying to find ways to relieve myself from the pain that I even tried overdosing myself on pills.

I wouldn't say that I have recovered now after a year. But at least when I looked at these beautiful scenery yesterday, I could feel a glimpse of goodness in life. I feel like God borrowed his lens to me and showed me how beautiful the world is that he has created. And I can feel as if he spoke to me through his beautiful creation that, next time when I feel trapped in the darkness, I can remember how this glimpse of goodness feels like and hold on to that, knowing that God is good in nature and he loves me. I feel really really grateful.

Miss you and I hope that you know that no matter how deep the hurt you may feel in life, there is healing for you too. Love you ❤️‍🩹


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