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Today is National Hug Day. It makes me think of all the different kinds of hugs we gave each other — it makes me really miss you.

I've been in Manchester these few days and my mom finally decided to buy one of the houses we viewed. It's a 3 bedroom detached house.

It is a very difficult and important decision for her. She hesitated for a long time and have flip flopped about whether or not to buy a property in the UK for months.

Rationally, she thinks this house meets all the criteria, and for the longer term having a house here for her and my dad's retirement life is better. But she still couldn't decide because she worried that she will lack the determination to overcome the challenges of settling down and maintaining the house.

But when we went house viewing yesterday, we happened to meet a friend's friend who lives there. She shared a lot about how it is to live in this neighbourhood, and we also chatted with her 70ish years old mom and she told my mom even she was able to adapt and enjoy the lifestyle here.

My mom said she's been praying a lot about this these days, and as she visited the house and chatted with these people, she could feel God's reassurance about making this decision because almost all her hesitations were addressed in those conversations. She also felt that everything came together in a right timing that makes her feel it is about time she feels ready to make a decision.

Even though it's not been easy to accompany her to house viewing in the past few days (especially under this weather), I actually felt very touched inside to be able to withness this process that she went through.

I feel it is a lesson for myself. I am like the opposite of my mom. I am the kind who is always very quick to making choices and not looking back. But when things don't go as I hoped based on my choices, I get really frustrated and anxious easily.

But as I shared in the wrap up of your birthday posts: There is a time for everything. (My mom repeated that again today) I have to acknowledge that there are things that I just can't control despite how much I want to control them. But it doesn't mean that I have to lose complete hope because I can trust that God loves me so much that he has a good plan for me.

I miss you a lot as I write till here, because I know that amongst all aspects of my life, you are the most difficult part that I have to acknowledge I have no control over, despite how much I desire to have you. 'Go with the flow and wait patiently' is a very very difficult lesson for me. But I know that it is one of the many lessons that God wants me to learn.

Sorry Andy, I made this a very long post and ended it with something probably heavy for you. I hope you bear with me when I am being too honest.

Some photos of Manchester:


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