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My favourite selfie

Miss you so very much, lovely Andy.

I got something silly to share with you today - I was at a shop today in Dublin and I saw they sell this type of hat that you like to wear. I always think of you whenever I see this type of hat, because I think you look quite handsome when you wear it and it makes me feel shy 🙈

Because I really really (x nth times) miss you today, I tried it on secretly in the store and took a quick selfie.

I think I look very funny, haha. It definitely doesn’t suit me, but this is becoming my favourite selfie because it represents the very silly me and the very handsome you 😊 🙈 (Oh dear, I miss you so so much.)

Tonight is my last night in Dublin, will head back to London tomorrow. I think I quite like Dublin, it’s a bit like London, maybe even more vibrant and liberating but less classy and metropolitan. But it won’t surpass Dundee in my heart :)

One of my favourite things to do in European cities is to visit a nice spacious place, and then find a spot to sit on the side. As I put my music on, relax and look around, it often brings me a lot of reflection. Here is me sitting in a square inside the Trinity College today.

I went to an Irish restaurant for dinner. It has a really good vibe, almost like a pub, which is not what I expected. It felt a bit awkward for me to eat alone in there and to not drink. There was a second when the rebellious side of me thought to drink (like I was in Stockholm), but I decided to be disciplined and be a good girl, and I didn’t drink any alcohol :)

Miss you my dear. A few more photos of myself in Dublin for you.


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