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My mother’s day

How was your weekend, dear?

I feel like I didn’t have a weekend because I have been spending all the time helping my parents settle down here in the last few days since they arrived.

Today is Mother’s Day. But I didn’t arrange anything to celebrate for my mom. I have been struggling quite a bit with her in this trip so far.

She has been very agitated and sensitive in the last few days because of the new house set up. And whenever she’s nervous and stressed, she just becomes really rude and self-centred, and her attitude makes it really hard for my dad or me to communicate with her.

I guess for me, what I feel the hardest is that she seems to take my help in this trip for granted. I never expect my mom to “appreciate” me in any way, for coming here all the way from HK, paying for my own air ticket, sacrificing 4 weeks of my own free time, not to mention all the hard labour work and heavy duty that I have to help them with.

I just thought she would at least be a bit more respectful to me. But aside from using a tone of command when she asks for help, she complained about me on quite a few things. For example, I suggested to set off from our airbnb at 9:30am one day, and she complained it’s so late. She also complained that I waste time when I said I wanted to grab a coffee on the way to the new house. She is just impatient and wants to head to the new house asap every day to set things up.

It’s all these small things that make me really sad and hurt. It feels even more difficult when I am alone here dealing with the situation (without my brother or anyone to be my moral support), trapped with my parents.

I miss you a lot, miss HK and miss feeling comfortable.


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