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My work

How has your day been Andy?

I think I don't look good recently, so it's been a bit hesitant for me to put photos here. But here is one from tonight.

I look a bit tired, because I have been trying to stay up for a 12:30am meeting with the US. It is a weekly meeting every Wednesday and it always makes my Wednesday so tough.

The good thing though is that because my agreement with Vincent and the company is that I can decide and adjust my own working hours based on what's needed. This flexible arrangement is very important for my mental wellness because I can at least take time for my mental breakdowns especially in the morning. This is one of the key reasons I am still working for Meyer/Vincent.

I also am not restricted by where I perform my work. That is why I rarely go in the office (I almost only go in if Vincent wants to meet), and I can travel to the UK without much issue.

I don't know if you'd wonder why I rarely talk about work here. I think it's actually because I have improved (slightly) to not let work consume my mind and energy too much, compared to few years ago. Don't get me wrong, I am still quite very busy, probably still considered a devoted workaholic to a lot of people. I also do treat my work seriously and try to give my best. But I think I am now doing better at not letting stressful unpleasant things at work impact my emotions as much as it used to. I guess that's also a kind of growth, do you think?

So instead of writing a lot of "complaints" about how frustrating or annoying work is here, I'd rather share with you things that are more personal and important to me. But I hope this is still a "helpful" update for you, because I know you liked to ask me "How's work today?". I do miss that there is someone I can "complain" to about work and everything in life.

Miss you my favourite company Andy.


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