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Neighbour who

How are you, my dear?

I picked up my parents at the airport yesterday, and we officially collected the keys of “my” (my parents’) house.

I miss you a lot in the last few days, like a lot. We met our neighbour next door today, it’s a family and guess what - the dad is a 3-40 years old British born Chinese who’s called Andrew. He also speaks some Cantonese but not very well, yours is definitely waaay better than his. He seems like a nice guy but you definitely are waaaaay lovelier than him.

Tell me how can I not miss you?

This is the guest (my) bedroom. I spent a lot of time on the 1st floor to assemble the beds.

My mom has a lot to say about my outfit. She said people can see my bra and the inside etc when I move around. But I had to wear a shirtless and shorts because of all the heavy lifting and duties that I have to do for them and it’s so hot these days.

It’s been quite tiring and I am starting to get more bruises and reds on my legs too.

Miss you a lot a lot, my favourite Andy. I came across these words in Chinese on social media earlier today that makes me think of you a lot: I can’t describe how much I miss you, all I know is I would definitely be running instead of walking if I am to go to you.

So much I want to run to you everyday.


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