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No matter where I go 🎵

How was your weekend, Andy?

The weather today reminds me of the UK, cold, wet and windy. I went to church today so I managed to take some photos of myself (finally). Not sure if you can see that I always have three layers of eye lids on my left eyes, it's actually a kind of eczema. I suspect it's triggered when I rub my eyes too much whenever I cry, that's why it's always there.

I sang a song today, it's actually a Cantonese contemporary hymn. I rarely listen to these because I go to an English speaking church these days, but my brother shared this with me and I really like it.

Towards the end there is a line that says: I won't be afraid even if I fly to the far side of the sea, for God will guide me with his gracious hands. It's actually taken from this Bible verse: "If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast."

I feel very moved by it because I shared yesterday night I feel worried and anxious about my upcoming trip. But I feel God responded to me by reminding me that he will always be with me no matter where I have to go.

Sharing this song with you even you might not be able to hear the lyrics I sang. I hope you'll feel peaceful and comforted listening to it, Andy.


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