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Our first ever guest

How are you dear? I miss you a lot.

Today we have our first ever guest visiting us - he’s the friend who hosted me when I went to Malta back in Jan, Jason. Because we knew each other from church when we were in secondary school, my parents know him too. But they haven’t seen him for years (he has a very “international” background since high school), so when they met him again today, they were just super excited. I actually don’t think any of my friends has ever made my parents so happy/entertained, all because of how “cute” and funny he portrayed himself in front of them.

I said he “portrayed” himself that way because he actually answered my parents’ questions about his recent life in a very smart way with selective details. For example, he didn’t tell them that his parents divorced and his dad has been hospitalised because of psychological issues, or he’s just married to his boyfriend from Sweden, and they are expecting a baby this year from the US through surrogacy.

I jokingly told him that if my parents knew his full stories, they probably would have a heart attack. But I can totally empathise why he chooses to hide these things from most people, even our other common friends. He’s actually a very private and introverted person like me. For people like us, we are very good at portraying ourselves in order to “fit into the world” and we only show the full of us to people in our “innermost circle”. For me, that is you and God, haha.

He’s one of the few people I still talk to since my depression. Similar to whenever I chat with my brother, I feel glad that he opens up to me about his life even our lives are very different, and I am just grateful that I can be his listener and sometimes bring some new perspectives to him when I response to his sharing.

PS. We have sweet and sour pork today, and it makes me think of you so very much because I know this is one of your favourite dish. Miss you my dear.


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