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PMS and new clothes

How was your week, Andy? It’s finally Friday today. If there’s anything I hate about being in the UK, it’s that I always have to wake up early for having morning meetings with Asia time zones. So I am so glad that I don’t have to do that for two days.

But I am actually not feeling very well today, I don’t know if I am actually getting sick or it is my PMS. Started with feeling very mentally unwell, I’ve been having really bad body aches whole day and feeling chilly. I hope it’s just my PMS, because I don’t want to be sick when I visit Dundee next week.

I shopped two new clothes here online and they arrived today. I quite like them but I wonder if the skirt is a bit too short and tight. What do you think?

I miss you extra today, I think it’s because of my PMS. I especially miss lying on your lap. I also imagine myself sitting on your lap facing you while I hug you tightly and don’t let you go. Miss you.

My original outfit of today:


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