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Post Dundee trip

How are you, my dear Andy? I heard there’s a typhoon in HK, I hope you’re staying safe.

So turns out I really got a stomach flu, it started to get really awful on my way back to Manchester yesterday. After editing the vlog and posting it here, I puked in the train 🤮 It was an one of a kind experience. Thankfully I had a paper bag with me. But this is definitely the “longest” 4-hour train I have had.

I made it home at around 10, I was starving but also too sick and late to eat anything. I ended up puking again in the middle of the night, with a fever too.

I am glad that I get to rest on bed now. This is actually the first time I got sick in the UK. I didn’t get sick once throughout the year in Kingston. I know people here tend not to go to the doctor. I guess I’m just gonna adapt to the culture.

On one hand, it feels quite awful to be sick. But on the other hand, I am glad that this happened towards the end of my Dundee trip. The trip made me feel mentally strengthened, which is what I need to fight the physical sickness.

It is also a reminder for me that my body needs to take a break and rest. This UK trip has been both physical and mentally tiring for me, from handling my parents to assembling furniture, to managing work at the same time.

I think of you a lot while I am sick on bed.


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