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10% extrovert

Today is the last day I am at the trade show and I am finally leaving Frankfurt and going to Malta tomorrow morning.

I feel like I have been using the 10% extroverted side of me to sustain the past 4 days 4 nights, and I kinda lost touch with the rest of 90% of myself, and it feels scary.

I know that for me to recover, I probably will need to get a lot of sleep to regain my energy, then I will have enough energy to cry and release that 90% of myself out again. It's going to take time for me to recover.

But there do are fun parts during this trip that I get to meet a lot of people I've only met online and bond with them. A few people I really enjoyed being with.

There are a lot of moments that make me really miss you. There is this guy from the US who started showing his silly side whenever it's a smaller group and he reminds me so much of you when he started to say something dumb in a cute way. But obviously you are 999% more lovely than him.

I also finally met TVS team here and chatted a lot with them. They are so nice and turns out they do remember I am the one who did that Titanica video for them. It reminds me of those days and memories I have with you.

Another thing that kinda of triggered me was people tend to talk a lot about their children or partner during dinner. They even shared about how they proposed. I know I am probably a lot younger than them, but it still makes me feel I am so out of place and far from feeling okay. It makes me think of you a lot. A lot.

Miss you my dear.

PS. They joked that I stopped making sense whenever it's close to dinner time and became hangry. I think you would agree, haha


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