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Shopping day

Miss you, my dear. How are you doing?

Today was shopping day for me, I went to Oxford Circus to visit all those stores that I haven’t been to for long time.

But guess what - I didn’t buy a single thing the entire day, can you believe it? Haha

I am starting to wonder if it is because I am getting older. It seems harder and harder for me to buy from those brands that I used to shop a lot. It’s not that they don’t “fit” me, it’s more that I just have very specific things that I am looking for.

One shocking finding I had today was that I have to wear size 32 (XS) for any skirts or shorts, which is the smallest size in women. I used to wear 36 two years ago, and since I knew I became thinner I have thought I would fit 34. But today I tried a white skirt in 34 and to my surprise, it’s too loose for my waist.

This is quite scary for me because I have never imagined that I have to wear the smallest size available in the store, I have always thought only those really skinny models wear them. It also is problematic because the smaller the size, the shorter the skirts are. And 32 is usually too short for me to wear.

I hope this is only because I am just recovering from my stomach flu (considering the number of times I have puked and pooped), and I am still eating lightly in smaller portions.

Even though I didn’t buy anything, I thought I’d pick a few to try on and take pictures for you :) Do you remember this top? I have a dark green and I saw this white one today.

Miss you and love you 🤍


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