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Something 🎵

Hey my dear, got this something to share with you the night before I fly out to the other side of the world.

I started this account to save all the different kinds of music I've done. It's more for my own record to watch back sometimes to see how far I've come along.

And of course for you too, if you ever want to listen (there are some very old ones in there). Another reason is it's very hard to upload longer videos here, so I think I will be posting my singing 'exercise' there instead and ask you to watch if you want to, unless those are songs/videos I especially do for you.

It's really just for myself so it's very casual, no hashtags, no captions. I don't plan to share with any friends either. I hope no one will be able to find this account haha.

I miss you a lot.

I've also replied Edwin after dragging it for a few days. Maybe I shouldn't even have said sorry. But if you know me, you'll know rejecting people is not easy for me. I tried hard already.


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