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Sunday in the house

How was your weekend, Andy?

Today is Sunday, my parents went to church in the morning and I didn’t follow them (I watched the playback of the church I go to in HK online instead), so for the first time this week, I finally had a few hours of truly alone time in the house. I turned out crying for a good 1.5 hours, haha.

It was actually a good cry. During the cry, I felt God really close to me and reassuring me that he sees every single details of my thoughts and heart, and he knows how hard I have been trying in my struggles even when no one can see or understand. He sees how I still choose to go the extra mile to help my parents even when I feel neglected, he sees how brave I am to trust him even when I am overwhelmed by anxious thoughts about things I have no control of.

And when I reflected about why I choose to keep trying and giving despite all the disappointment and frustrations, it is actually because of this closeness I feel to God that makes me really want to live out the love he’s given me and share it with others who need it. I guess this is my unique way of renewing my mental strength.

The result of my 1.5-hour cry is I got a triple eyelid on my left eye for the rest of the day, haha. Showing you how swollen I looked today, and the views of both sides of our house. It’s very sunny here today.


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