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The eyebrows

I miss you a lot today, Andy. It’s my first day of period and the hormones are strong. I also have been having really bad period cramps since yesterday, but I still had to wake up for meetings from 8am till 12pm today, and then went out to shop around with my parents for the entire afternoon.

This is how I looked like when I got back to my room this evening - my real face that I have been trying to hide for the whole day:

I remember you used to say my eyebrows are expressive. I don’t actually know if you meant you like it. I don’t know how I do that, it just comes naturally when I am in a mood that I just want someone to pamper me. I miss you extra whenever I am in this mood because I remember you said you like to take up the challenge to cheer me up.

Tomorrow I will have to visit the Meyer UK office that is in Liverpool. I don’t know how to feel about that because I definitely need to social with the team there, especially my boss. I hope tomorrow passes by sooner and it won’t be too draining, because I’ll then be visiting Dundee the day after.

I am actually starting to feel nervous about visiting your home town - I don’t really know how I’ll feel during the visit. Will I cry a lot because I’ll miss you immensely? Will I feel really sad because it reminds me that you’re not with me when I’m there? Will I feel very “freed” because I can be away from my parents for a bit? I don’t really know yet, and I feel nervous imagining it.

These days when I feel nervous or lonely, I hug my imaginary best friend pinky dog tightly. I am so glad that I decided to bring her with me on this trip.

Miss you a lot, Andy dear, miss hugging you. Sometimes I just daydream about you and that makes me smile.


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