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The first day out and a lot of me

Hello, my dear. How’s your Saturday? I miss you.

Today is the first day that I am going out after covid, in fact after I’ve come back to HK!

(Me pretending to be cheeky after I got home)

Firstly, I went to the wet market with my brother and had brunch with him. We have to take care of ourselves now to get groceries and stuff.

It’s the first time I went outdoor after coming back. Maybe it’s because I was wearing mask, I feel HK is SOOOOOO hot. I was already wearing vest and shorts, but I was still sweating all over even when in the mall. My brother said it’s only June now, I’m gonna die when it’s July and August.

Then I finally get to go to the salon to do my hair. I’ve been waiting for that since I was in the UK.

Miss you a lot, my dear. Do you like it that I got many photos today? I still look quite swollen but I love you very much.

When I wear this same white shorts today, I could really feel that I lost weight, this shorts used to be perfect fit for me but right now it’s a bit loose. It’s probably a bit more noticeable from this photo without the mask that my face has become less “chubby”. I told myself that I will try hard to eat more food.

It does refresh me a little bit to go out, except it’s really hot, haha. I particularly enjoy taking buses where I can look at the streets and people while reflecting.

Miss you a lot a lot.


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