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The Flash

How was your day, dear Andy?

Tonight I wanted to share with you something quite different, about the TV series I’ve been watching on Netflix - The Flash. I started watching it only because I wanted to watch something that is more than just entertaining but at the same time not super triggering during my down time, and I thought I can use it to kill time for longer because it has 9 seasons.

I don’t know if you’ve watched it before or how much you know about this character from the DC universe, basically his superpower is speed, and he has a really sad story that his mom was murdered when he was small and his dad was accused to be the killer.

I am only at season 2 now, but it is definitely exceeding my expectation, not so much because of the superhero plot or visual effects, but the relationship and interactions between each character throughout the story, and especially the personal journey of Barry (The Flash).

The touching part of the story for me is seeing how Barry grows and navigates through since he got his powers. What I love the most about is that throughout the story, he’s actually made so many mistakes and caused so much hurt and loss even though he is supposed to be the superhero. And you’d see him struggle with his wrong decisions, distance himself from the people who love him because he’s full of guilt, or sometimes let that reckless rage take over him because he just wants to fix his mistakes so desperately.

But over the episodes, you’d see how the people around him never stop believing in him even when he seems to be lost and going down the wrong path. They just stand by him, gently remind him who he truly is, and be there with him to fix his problems together.

I can’t believe I could keep crying when I am just watching a superhero tv series, hahaha. But this Barry just reminds me so much of you. A boy who has a kind heart even though he had some unfortunate life stories, who indeed made quite a few big mistakes and caused hurt to people even he tried his best not to.

But because of the love that the people around show him and their guidance, he’s gradually learnt to find the courage to face his failure and wounds, and understand when it’s time to save and fix his mistakes and when it’s time to accept that there’re just things that are not his to fix and he will have to let go.

I don’t know how life has been for you truly, my dear Andy. But as I watch the story of Barry, I just can’t help but having to tell you again and again:

I love you, Andy Lee, not because of who you strive to become or what you have achieved. I love you because of your heart, the kind heart who’s always wanted to do good to the people around you. That is what makes you the most special and cherished. But you know what, my dearest Andy, don’t be too harsh on yourself. We all make mistakes in our lives, big and small ones. Sometimes they might be ours to fix, but other times “fixing” our mistakes might just mean owning them, living with them, and trusting that the world (or God, if you will) will reveal the other side of the story that’d happen because of those mistakes.

No matter what you’re navigating through internally or externally, I believe that you’ll be able to figure things out, not because of how smart or good at things you are, but because of the heart you’ve had long ago :)

Love you, very very much. 🤍

PS: I don’t have photo of today, but I realised I missed putting this selfie here of another outfit I tried when I went shopping on Sunday. Love you.


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