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The new lifestyle

Hello my dear, how are you?

I miss you a lot, writing to you from my sick bed. This reminds me of the last time when we got covid, I remember we facetime every day to see how each other was doing. I think that was sweet :)

I am still feeling quite unwell. For the last few days, I spend most of my time on bed, but actually it’s been quite hard to get sleep. I don’t know if it’s the sore throat or coughing that makes me too uncomfortable to sleep or it’s the jetlag that’s keeping me awake from sleeping longer hours. But I always wake up every few hours no matter it’s day or night time.

At the same time, I am trying to adapt to this new lifestyle back in HK in this flat - since my parents aren’t here, it’s only my brother and I living together here. My parents used to take care of most of the household chores, laundry, cleaning, cooking etc, and now I have to split the work with my brother.

Before I came back, my brother has been living here alone for 5 weeks. My brother is never the cleanest, organised person (very typical boy for one who had studied abroad since young). So when I came back, there were things that I felt a bit unpleasant in the flat, but I was also too tired and sick to do any cleaning.

I don’t want to complain that my brother is not a caretaker, because he does cook for my portion too or help me get takeaway food now that I am sick. But that’s mostly all he has helped me with so far. Most of the time, he just hides in his room. I still have to do my own dishes, laundry, or prepare everything that I need for my sickness by myself (eg warm water, meds).

I understand that I am not his girlfriend and he has to work from home. I also understand that for the last 5 weeks, he’s been the only one maintaining the flat and it must have been quite a bit of work, so I don’t want to blame him on anything.

I guess I am just being a bit moody and emotional because I am sick and it makes me mentally challenged. I wish there would be someone who shows his/her caring for me a little bit more while I am feeling really unwell.

Miss you, Andy dear. Miss you a lot.

Sick look with watery eyes from yesterday, I look worse today :(


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