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The rain

It’s finally the weekend. I slept in and then went out to my favourite fishball noodles place this afternoon, but there was a super heavy rain. I was stuck in my car because I didn’t want to get too wet. I got nothing to do in there, so I took these selfies for you.

I then went to the wet market by myself, it makes me miss my brother quite a bit.

Yesterday I went in the office and had a really long day. I am having quite a stressful and frustrating period at work recently because Vincent has asked me to present some commercial numbers, and I feel so uncomfortable because it’s beyond my expertise. Thankfully I got Raunaq’s help, but because of that I have to go in the office more often in the next two weeks to work with him.

I hope this will be over soon, as it still requires me some extra mental energy to go in the office every time. But I am also learning to see this as an opportunity for me to learn something new, as I know even though I might not be good with numbers, at least knowing the basics will be beneficial to my career path as a PM.

When I was at the desk yesterday, Jenny and Jason were talking and I overheard your name. And they suddenly asked me if I remember that we (me and you) almost burned down the studio one time (haha). I actually don’t remember that, I only remember that you burnt some bacons and it’s so smoky, haha. We did play with fire but we definitely didn’t burn anything. So I just laughed and said “no we didn’t!” And deep down, it makes me really really miss you.

Miss you, Andy. I always do.


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