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Travelling alone

How are you, my dear?

I miss you a lot. I am at Dublin now, lying on my hotel bed to rest for a bit during the day because I have just recovered from my sickness. I think a lot about you, that’s why I wanted to drop you a post.

I said goodbye to my parents this morning as I headed to the airport, they seemed quite sad that I am leaving, but my mom thanked me for helping them out in the last month and she said she knows I am a good girl. I felt quite touched by that because it was not something that I expected from her.

The flight to Dublin from Manchester is only 40 minutes. I am glad I didn’t puke or poop again this time. Dublin is actually the 8th city I visited alone in the past one year:

  1. Taiwan (work)

  2. Luxembourg

  3. Singapore (work)

  4. Stockholm

  5. London

  6. Malta

  7. Dundee 🤍

  8. Dublin

When I was having lunch alone just now, I was thinking if I actually enjoy travelling alone. I hate and am scared of the feeling of being lonely. I would love to travel with someone, but it’s because I long for having a company to explore the world and life with me, someone whom I feel spiritually and emotionally connected. If I can’t be with someone like that, I’d rather travel alone.

But God helped me understand that being alone doesn’t always mean feeling lonely. So even though I really, really, really miss you , because I know you can be that company that I dream of, I also know that I will always carry you and God in my heart as I go to all these places. And I hope that one day I can share all the big and small things about life with you.

Miss you and love you.


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